Trendy sedums for indoor gardening come in different shapes and colors. Check out this guide for popular options and support.
Sedum succulents belong to the sedum family, specifically the Crassulaceae family, have thick leaves and can bloom in yellow, pink or white. These perennial plants offer variety in the garden and are easy to care for. To propagate, place a few leaves in a tray on moist, sandy soil. In about two weeks they will develop roots and can be transplanted into new pots. Place them in a warm place out of direct sunlight. Water young plants every few days at first and reduce the amount as they mature. This uncomplicated method allows for easy care and expansion of the sedum.
Sedum is a versatile plant suitable for windowsills, various containers, and outdoor placement in warmer weather. With different shapes, sizes and colors available, choosing one can be challenging. However, we are here to help you by introducing you to the 19 most popular sedum plants as easy-to-grow houseplants.
1. Purple Emperor

Botanical name: Sedum telephium ‘Purple Emperor’
With deep purple, fleshy foliage, this hybrid perennial sedum displays a crown of small, pink flower clusters in the shape of stars all summer long.
2. Showy Stonecrop

Botanical name: Hylotelephium spectabile
The showy sedum comes from Japan and has blue-green leaves with purple edges and flowers in late summer in pink-purple hues.
3. Golden moss stonecrop

Botanical name: Sedum Acre
With finely structured leaves in dark green, the moss sedum can look attractive as a houseplant with yellow flowers in summer. It loves well-drained soil and full sunlight.
4. Ogon Sedum

Botanical name: Sedum makinoi ‘ogon’
Known for its bright gold foliage, Ogon is a real eye-catcher as a houseplant that requires minimal care. Its tiny leaves look beautiful cascading over the pages.
5. Frosty Morn Sedum

Botanical name: Sedum erythrostictum ‘Frosty Morn’
Frosty Morn is a decorative, colorful sedum variety that you can also grow as a houseplant. It usually blooms in late summer to early fall with clusters of white and pink flowers.
6. Broadleaf stonecrop

Botanical name: Sedum spathulifolium
With yellow flowers and silvery leaves, it is another popular choice for growing as a houseplant and will look striking in your indoor garden.
October 7th Daphne Stonecrop

Botanical name: Sedum sieboldii ‘October Daphne’
October Daphne Stonecrop offers blue-green leaves with dark pink edges. Make sure it receives enough sunlight to grow and bloom properly.
8. Sedum Angelina

Botanical name: Sedum rupestre ‘Angelina’
Due to its small size, Angelina is a fantastic choice for indoor use. Its bright golden foliage turns bright orange in autumn and the plant also produces yellow flowers.
9. Sedum Tricolor

Botanical name: Sedum spurium ‘Tricolor’
With Tricolor Sedum you can add an additional touch of color to the interior. Because each leaf is lined with white and pink, it looks fantastic with small pink flowers.
10. Dragonborn

Botanical name: Sedum spurium “Dragon’s Blood”
Dragon’s Blood has deep purple foliage and is one of the most popular sedum varieties that turn red in fall. It blooms with pink-purple flowers from midsummer to autumn.
11. Blue spruce

Botanical name: Sedum reflexum ‘Blue Spruce’
The blue spruce is an outstanding sedum with needle-shaped, pointed leaves in a silvery-blue color. It looks beautiful with contrasting star-shaped yellow flowers.
12. Autumn joy

Botanical name: Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’
Autumn Joy brings color indoors from spring through fall with its huge clusters of small, starry pink flowers in late summer. Make sure it gets plenty of direct sunlight.
13. Elizabeth Sedum

Botanical name: Sedum spurium ‘Elizabeth’
Elizabeth is another sprawling sedum variety that makes a good choice for a houseplant with its pretty foliage. The green and red leaves turn a deep burgundy red in fall.
14. Burro’s tail
Botanical name: Sedum morganianum
Burro’s Tail, also called the donkey tail plant, is one of the easiest plants to grow. It looks stunning in hanging baskets where the long stems can cascade over the edges.
15. Sedum Roseum
Botanical name: Sedum spurium ‘Roseum’
Roseum is another sedum variety that you can grow well as a houseplant. It thrives perfectly on a sunny windowsill and adds color and texture to your interior.
16. Jelly Bean Sedum
Botanical name: Sedum rubrotinctum
These fat, tiny, juicy, red-tipped gummy bears; It is also known as pig bean because the foliage turns bronze in summer. Grow in partial shade in your home and avoid overwatering.
17. Palmer sedum

Botanical name: Sedum compressum
This evergreen perennial has gray-green leaves arranged in a rosette; Panicles of green-yellow, five-petaled flowers also form from January to May.
18. Sedum

Botanical name: Sedum dendroideum
This small succulent grows up to 3 feet tall and 4 feet wide, the foliage is green and clusters of small star-shaped yellow flowers appear in late winter and early spring.
19. Coppertone Sedum

Botanical name: Sedum nussbaumerianum ‘Coppertone’
“Coppertone” is an evergreen perennial; Under stress and in full sun it offers a pretty copper tone. Place it indoors to get the best colors.