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Plants to Undo Cigarette Damage

Can plants reverse cigarette damage? Are there specific strains you can grow indoors to improve your lung health? Let’s find out!

The burden of cigarette smoke on human health is undeniable and this is where plants come to the rescue! So can they be the natural doctors? Scroll down!

Plants to eliminate cigarette damage

Before we proceed, it’s important to understand that these plants cannot reverse cigarette damage – they can simply filter out indoor air slightly. If you want better health – stop smoking!

1. Peace Lily

Plants to eliminate cigarette damage 1

Botanical name: Spathiphyllum

Pollutants removed

  • formaldehyde
  • benzene
  • Trichlorethylene

Peace lilies are exceptional Absorb air pollutants through their leaves and roots. These plants are also very effective at filtering out formaldehyde, a common pollutant in cigarette smoke.

2. Spider plant

Botanical name: Chlorophytum comosum

Pollutants removed

Spider plants Carry out and enable photosynthesis at high speed Clean air quickly. They can effectively remove cigarette pollutants such as formaldehyde and xylene.

3. Rubber plant

Plants to eliminate cigarette damage 3

Botanical name: Ficus Elastica

Pollutants removed

  • formaldehyde
  • Carbon dioxide

This large leafy plants are incredibly effective at filtering out formaldehyde from the room air. Storing 3-4 rubber plants in a well-ventilated smoking room will definitely help!

Plants that promote oxygen levels

More fresh air and oxygen means better lung health, right? Placing these plants in a group of 5 to 6 plants in a well-ventilated room will certainly help!

4. Snake Plant

Botanical name: Sansevieria trifasciata

Snake plants carry out photosynthesis At night it converts CO2 into oxygen. They also effectively remove pollutants such as formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and nitrogen oxides, which are often found in cigarette smoke. – So if you smoke at night, grow a dozen of them in your room!

5. Areca palm

Plants to eliminate cigarette damage 5

Botanical name: Chrysalidocarpus lutescens

Areca palms have a high transpiration rate, meaning they release a significant amount of water vapor during the day, which converts into oxygen.

Grow 3-4 of these in your smoking room for best results.

IMPORTANT: The plants on this list should be part of a broader strategy to improve indoor air quality and should not be viewed as a primary method of combating the health effects of smoking.