Discover some stunning flowers that look like impatiens and add an array of color and character to your garden and home!
We offer you a beautiful selection of flowers that are similar to impatiens but also offer a different charm with their vibrant hues and lush foliage!
Flowers that look like impatiens
1. Begonia
Botanical name: Begoniaceae
While begonia flowers share visual characteristics with impatiens flowers, they differ in their foliage and growth patterns. Read here how you can easily grow them.
2. Ivy geranium
Botanical name: Pelargonium peltatum
Ivy geraniums may look like impatiens at first glance, but they are slightly smaller. They come in bright colors and have a trailing habit.
3. Petunias

Botanical name: Petunia × atkinsiana
Petunias and impatiens both have similar physical characteristics and you will have a hard time telling them apart. However, these need much more sunlight.
4. Vincas
Botanical name: Catharanthus roseus
It is also known as periwinkle. The flowers of these plants are slightly smaller and come in different shades. They are super easy to care for and need bright light.
5. Garden phlox
Botanical name: Phlox paniculata
If you want to add tall flowers then do so! These flowers are quite similar to the plant in question, with the only difference being that they are taller!
6. Carpathian Bell Bell
Botanical name: Campanula carpatica
Carpathian flowers have a similar appearance to impatiens, but these plants only come in shades of blue that can be vibrant or faded.
7. Cranesbill geranium
Botanical name: Geranium spp.
Both have a striking similarity in bloom – however, these flowers can withstand a wide range of conditions and are more drought tolerant than impatiens.
8. Torenia

Botanical name: Torenia fournieri
Although the shape of the flowers of both plants is almost the same, you can easily recognize them due to the two-tone hue.
9. Browallia
Botanical name: Browallia speciosa
Browallias, like impatiens, have trumpet-shaped flowers, but five petals (impatiens have 4). Their flowers are also somewhat pointed.
10. Million Bells

Botanical name: Calibrachoa
The only thing that sets Million Bells flowers apart from impatiens is their larger flower centers and bolder colors. Their overall size may be smaller than the plant in comparison.
11. Bacopa
Botanical name: Bacopa monnieri
Bacopas are small and come in many hues, but white specimens bear a striking resemblance to impatiens. These also have a distinctive yellow center.