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Flowering Houseplants To Add Color And Fragrance To Your Home

You love to grow plants in your living space because they not only beautify your home but also help you get closer to nature. However, what you may not know is that there is a huge difference between keeping a plant alive and actually getting it to flower. So, if you have been growing them for a long time, but still cannot see beautiful flowers, do not despair, you simply do not have the experience to choose the right plants.
Flowering houseplants to add color and fragrance to your home
In today’s post, we would like to share flowering houseplants to add color and fragrance to your home so that you will fall in love with their beautiful flowers. Whether you’re a master indoor gardener or not, it’s not a big problem, all of this is for you. Some of these types of plants tend to flower when you buy them, others are easier to plant at home with basic care, and you can expect regular blooms. Read on to pick some plants you love the most!

#1 African violets

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African violets are compact and floriferous with a wide variety of flower shapes and colors. With careful watering, high humidity and bright, but not direct light. This plant can produce multiple flowers each year.

#2 Poinsettias

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Poinsettias have large red bracts surrounding the flowers we love so much.

#3 Orchids

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Orchids have a dazzling array of flowers of all colors and shapes. Some are stunning, some are weird and some border on downright ugly.

#4 Peace Lilies

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Peace lilies are often found in upscale home designs, their pleated white flowers nodding peacefully above glossy foliage. These tropical plants prefer filtered light, warmth and humidity.

#5 Begonias

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Flowering begonias are usually considered outdoor plants. They are robust, undemanding and floriferous. A simple and economical pot of begonias will give a beautiful season of color.

#6 Bromeliads

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Her flowers rise from the center of this cup in tall, brightly colored bracts. New bromeliad flowers often last for weeks or months, and they have beautiful foliage.

#7 Desert Cacti

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There are many types of cacti, and about half of them can flower in the average home. Give your cactus plenty of sunlight, stay away from water.

#8 Kalanchoe

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Kalanchoes are easy to grow and almost as easy to flower with clusters of small, upright flowers. It needs bright light and sufficient water.

#9 Amaryllis

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Amaryllis bears large, deeply colored flowers on tall stalks. They are available in red, salmon, pink, orange and multicolor.

#10 Christmas cactus

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Christmas cacti have beautiful drooping red or pink flowers on unique paddle-like foliage. They are usually bought already in bloom, but it is possible to get a Christmas cactus to bloom again.

#11 Hibiscus

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Hibiscus flowers come in single and double forms and in a dizzying range of colors. Some of the newer hybrids feature multicolored flowers the size of a salad plate. They need warmth, plenty of light, moisture and are susceptible to various types of insects.

#12 Anthurium

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Anthurium has distinctive red flower structures that feature a heart-shaped red spade giving rise to a white or yellow inflorescence. They thrive on moisture, warmth, plenty of water, bright light, and fertile soil.