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Easy and Gorgeous Trellis Ideas for Your Garden

A lattice fence or privacy screen is the perfect way to add a sense of privacy and structure to your garden. Whether the design is wood or metal, a garden trellis creates a beautiful backdrop for outdoor living spaces.

Ranging from simple structures to intricate designs, these trellis ideas will help add style to your patio or garden.

In small gardens in particular, it can be difficult to achieve a sense of separation from your neighbors. To create a more intimate garden atmosphere, close off your outdoor area with a trellis fence. Choose mesh panels with a tighter pattern and add climbing plants for even more privacy.

A trellis not only provides privacy but can also help create a more defined outdoor space. Surround your deck or patio with a trellis to separate it from the rest of the exterior of your home and make it feel like it’s own little world. This creates a more cohesive patio design and provides a visually appealing backdrop for a seating or dining area.

Unexpected trellis patterns can add a contemporary twist to a classic trellis design. Here, a wooden trellis with an abstract design tops a patio railing as an added decorative element in this calming outdoor space. If a simple trellis doesn’t give you enough privacy, consider planting a hedge next to your deck for a more secluded feel.