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Campanula Guide: How to Grow & Care for “Bellflower”

Campanula, commonly known as bluebell, is a colorful perennial that can bring joy to any garden border where it is grown. Bluebells are best known for their charming blooms and long blooms. Gardeners like to choose them for colorful beds and borders in cottage gardens and rockeries, where they create a fantastic effect.

Campanula is a huge genus with over 300 species, most of which are perennials. However, some are annual and biennial. Some bluebell species are perfect for borders or in rock gardens as they are either creeping or mat-forming. Others look best in borders or can make fantastic cut flowers.

Most bluebell varieties, especially the blue ones, attract hummingbirds. Bluebells are fairly easy to grow, and there are a few ideal growing conditions you should know about to help your campanulas thrive.