Meet 10 resilient plants that never die even if you try to kill them – some grown indoors, others outdoors.
If you’re not great at caring for green specimens and always end up murdering one, then don’t worry. Try one of these plants from this list of plants that definitely won’t give up!
Plants that never die even if you try to kill them
Avoid planting many of these plants directly on the ground as they can be invasive and difficult to remove, especially numbers one and two on the list.
1. Mother of Thousands (Kalanchoe daigremontiana)

This succulent grows many plantlets at the edges of its leaves – an attribute that makes it nearly impossible to kill, as leaves that drop off can grow new plants from the plantlets!
2. Mother of Millions (Kalanchoe Delagoensis)

This unique plant is even more productive in growing baby plants from the leaves that readily root when they come into contact with soil. Its drought tolerance makes it a hardy survivor and it can also grow indoors.
3. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)
The Snake Plant is a champion when it comes to withstanding low light conditions, infrequent watering, and poor soil quality.
Fun Fact: Its rhizomes can grow new shoots and roots and multiply, enabling it to spread and survive in less-than-ideal conditions.
4. Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller)
Aloe Vera thrives in poor soil and requires minimal water, making it a pro when it comes to surviving and continuously increasing its population in harsh conditions. It can propagate easily from pups, which grow around its base.
5. Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum tectorum)

The ‘hen’ (main plant) produces numerous ‘chicks’ (offsets) that quickly become new plants. Its ability to store water in the leaves and survive in poor soil makes this succulent nearly immortal!
6. Portulacaria afra (Elephant Bush)
Elephant Bush looks similar to the famous jade plant and thrives in dry environments. It easily propagates from cuttings, making it hard to kill and easy to spread.
7. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
Dandelion flowers can produce hundreds of seeds that are easily dispersed by wind. They have a deep taproot, making them difficult to eradicate completely. Considered as a weed, it is edible and has many amazing benefits, you can try to grow it in pots as a fun 😃 project.
8. Bamboo
Bamboo is incredibly hardy due to its extensive root system and rapid growth rate (The plant spreads through its underground rhizomes). It can grow in a variety of climates.
9. Agave (Agave spp.)
Agaves store water in their thick leaves, which helps them to survive in neglect and lack of water. Its species produce offsets, or ‘pups,’ that can be separated and planted as new individuals.
10. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
Pothos is a hardy houseplant that can thrive in various lighting conditions. It can propagate from stem cuttings, which root easily in water or soil – making it a champion survivor!